Developing Postsecondary Leaders

Self-awareness and reflection are important characteristics of an effective Postsecondary Leader.

Strong leadership is vital to a successful postsecondary plan in your school or district. In this Component, you will find tools to build the capacity of Postsecondary Leaders as well as tools to support team planning and development.

Use the Toolkit Component

The Developing Postsecondary Leaders Component contains six Tool Sets. To download the entire Component, click below.

Tool Sets: Developing Postsecondary Leaders

Developing Yourself as a Leader

Self-awareness and reflection are important characteristics of an effective Postsecondary Leader. Tool Set A can help both Postsecondary Leaders and team members think about leadership at the beginning stages of team formation or to assess current team leadership.

Unpacking Adult Mindsets

In order to better serve students, Counselors and other educators must begin by examining their personal beliefs and how they impact practice. Tool Set B provides multiple viewpoints on how to engage in the process of changing beliefs as a leader as well as replicating this process in a school community.

Developing Sustainable Teams

A range of educators is needed to make postsecondary work a school-wide effort where all adults feel a shared sense of responsibility to help students reach their goals.

Fine-Tuning Team Dynamics

Postsecondary Leaders can fine-tune team dynamics by helping team members think about issues in a new light, creating time and space for team members to learn more about each other, and/or facilitating conversations that frame conflict as a natural part of team development.

Running Effective Meetings

Teams function more effectively when there is agreement among members about what is important. Meetings should also incorporate time and space for reflection so team members can build on their successes and consider challenges.

Bridging School Leadership Teams

Tool Set F provides some key resources to help administrators and Postsecondary Leaders reflect on their roles and examine how collaboration leads to improved student outcomes.