The To&Through Project


To create equitable education outcomes for Chicago Public Schools students by helping educators use data for inquiry and action.

The To&Through Approach

Data can provide educators with powerful windows into the educational experiences of marginalized young people, but data alone cannot change their outcomes. Transforming adult systems, practices, and mindsets requires deep dialogue about how to use data to create more equitable experiences and outcomes for all students.


  • Practice Anti-Racism and Equity: We recognize the legacy of racism and work to interrogate our individual and collective biases. We accept the discomfort of conflict and find the courage to interrupt inequitable mindsets, policies, and practices.
  • Respect All Forms of Expertise: We believe that students, families, and communities are experts in their own experience, and we respect educators as professionals. We share data and tools, not answers.
  • Have Integrity: We prioritize students over institutions and take responsibility for the impact and consequences of our data. 
  • Be Creative and Curious: We are learners who prioritize the collection and incorporation of feedback.
  • Care for Each Other: We value each other as individuals and human beings, and we laugh, when we can.

Read more about The To&Through Project at