GRAD Partnership Recognizes Kelly College Prep as a Spotlight School

Thomas Kelly College Preparatory High School has been selected as a spotlight school by The GRAD Partnership for its exceptional commitment to student success. Kelly College Prep, a longstanding NCS partner, stands as a great example of a student-centered learning environment that fosters connectivity and empowers students to thrive.
The school's diverse student population reflects the economic, linguistic, ethnic, and cultural richness of Chicago's southwest side. Chosen as the third spotlight school by The GRAD Partnership, Kelly College Prep exemplifies the core elements of student success systems, setting an example for strong relationships, data utilization, strategic improvement actions, and a student-centered mindset.
Additionally, the school's use of the Elevate survey enables data-driven decision-making, with a focus on "meaningful work" that connects classroom learning to real-life applications. Principal Raul Magdaleno emphasizes the significance of students' sense of identity and connectedness, valuing their perspectives and maintaining open communication channels.
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