Partner Schools please use this form to register for upcoming professional learning events with NCS. Email First Name Last Name NCS Event Date - Select -DATA COMMUNITY- October 3rdDATA COMMUNITY- December 12thDATA COMMUNITY - April 10th, 2025FRESHMAN SUCCESS FOR EQUITY- September 11thFRESHMAN SUCCESS FOR EQUITY- November 13thFRESHMAN SUCCESS FOR EQUITY- January 29th, 2025FRESHMAN SUCCESS FOR EQUITY- March 5th, 2025FRESHMAN SUCCESS FOR EQUITY- May 14th, 2025MIDWEST REGIONAL NETWORK- September 25thMIDWEST REGIONAL NETWORK- December 4thMIDWEST REGIONAL NETWORK- February 12th, 2025 (VIRTUAL)MIDWEST REGIONAL NETWORK- April 16th, 2025PARTNER SCHOOL NETWORK- September 10thPARTNER SCHOOL NETWORK- November 12thPARTNER SCHOOL NETWORK- January 28th, 2025PARTNER SCHOOL NETWORK- April 22nd 2025 School/District/Organization School/District/Organization - Select -Air Force Academy HSAlcott College PrepBack of The Yards HSBowen HSChicago Vocational Career Acad HSClemente Community AcademyColoradoCurie HSDeKalb High SchoolCorliss High SchoolCrane Medical Prep HSDunbar Vocational Career AcademyEnglewood STEM High SchoolFarragut Career Academy HSForeman High SchoolGage Park High SchoolGoode STEM Academy HSHarrison High SchoolHubbard High SchoolHyde Park Academy High SchoolKankakee High SchoolKelvyn Park High SchoolKennedy High SchoolRich Township High SchoolKenwood Academy High SchoolKing College Prep High SchoolLakeview HSMarshall Metropolitan High SchoolMitchell High SchoolMulticultural Arts High SchoolRaby High SchoolNorth Chicago Community High SchoolNorth-Grand High SchoolOgden Int. High SchoolPayton College Preparatory HSPerry TownshipPhillips Academy High SchoolRichards Career Academy HSThomas Kelly College PreparatoryWashington G High SchoolSand Creek High SchoolSchool of Social Justice HSSouth Shore Intl Col Prep HSTilden Career Community Academy HSUplift Community High SchoolVon Steuben Metro Science HSWaukegan High SchoolWells Community Academy HSWilliams Medical Prep High SchoolWorld Language HSOther… Enter other… Role Principal Assistant Principal Freshman Success Team Lead Freshman Success Team Member Instructional Leadership Team Lead Instructional Leadership Team Member NCS/CCSR Postsecondary Leadership Team Lead Postsecondary Leadership Team Member Data Strategist/Lead Other… Enter other… DIETARY RESTRICTIONS (FOR IN-PERSON EVENTS): NCS does our best to ensure that everyone has a pleasant dining experience during our events. We are able to accommodate the dietary restrictions listed below. However, if your specific dietary needs are not addressed in the list below, we ask that you please bring your own breakfast or lunch. Thank you for your understanding. VIRTUAL EVENT (n/a) NONE Dairy Free Gluten Free Vegan Vegetarian We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. Please let us know if you need specific accommodations below. IEIN # (Illinois Educator Identification Number) (if applicable) Media Consent: By registering and attending this event I grant the Network for College Success (NCS) permission to take and publish photographs and video of me at this event for future use in NCS's marketing purposes and/or materials. Marketing purposes and materials include, but are not limited to: promotional flyers and videos, the NCS website, NCS e-blasts, and social media outlets. In granting permission to NCS, I am aware that the use of my image and voice may be included in stories, photographs and/or video, related to and on behalf of NCS. I am also aware that NCS would have rights to use any stories, photographs, or videos at its discretion.