According to a series of groundbreaking studies from the UChicago Consortium on School Research, student success in the first year of high school is a critical indicator for graduation.
Watch the video below to learn more about our approach to the ninth grade year.
Being "On-Track to Graduation"–captured in an easy-to-use indicator called the ninth grade On-Track rate–entails first-year students earning at least five credits and no more than one F in semester grades for core courses.
The UChicago Consortium has found that recovering GPA in subsequent years is challenging when first-year students suffer from high absence rates and course failure. In addition, a high school GPA can significantly affect a young person's likelihood of graduating from high school, college enrollment, and persistence. For example, students who are off-track in ninth grade are much more likely to drop out even if they entered high school with high grades and test scores. On the other hand, students on track at the end of ninth grade year are three times more likely to graduate from high school.
Using the UChicago Consortium research, our coaches work with our partner schools to ensure students stay on-track and achieve GPAs of 3.0 or better. Furthermore, we help schools develop a ninth grade team of teachers, administrators, and counselors that meets regularly to assess school and educator practice and how it affects student grades, attendance, and behavior.
The team then uses a continuous improvement approach to adopt new practices, or adapt or abandon existing practices. The team also determines interventions for groups of students at risk of falling off track and ways to adjust their practice to serve students better. They compare notes on how students are doing in class, talk with students about challenges they are facing inside and outside the school building, and connect students with academic or counseling supports designed to help them get back on-track.
In addition, NCS Coaches provide on-site consultations and facilitate cross-school meetings so team members can problem-solve, work together, and share successful interventions within and across schools.
On-Track in Chicago Public Schools
In 2009, the UChicago Consortium research on On-Track to Graduation prompted the Chicago Public Schools to create Ninth Grade Success reports for all high schools in the District. These reports provided school administrators with real-time data on first-year students' grades. NCS helps the Ninth Grade Success Teams get the most from these reports, supporting teams to:
Refine their practice and student interventions.
Evaluate students' progress throughout the school year.
Strengthen the team's capacity to lead this work.