Building Together

The transformative work NCS supports isn’t starting at zero, and it doesn’t happen one school at a time. We’re bringing together school teams that already have knowledge, experience, and passion – so that they can learn from one another and with us. "Building Together" stories highlight the collective learning and growth that occurs in our cohorts through the lens of the educators, counselors, and other school staff who are part of them.

Six Chicago High Schools Share Approaches to Freshman Success at the National Freshman Success Institute (NFSI)

“Being a part of this community has allowed me to candidly share and exchange ideas and motivated me to be a better education professional that can impact student success.”
This October, participants of the 2022–23 National Freshman Success Institute (NFSI) reconvened, and, over the span of two days, they delved deeper into Freshman Success work by visiting six Chicago high schools within the Network for College Success (NCS)