Published on Aug 29, 2024
It’s that time of year again!
We are so excited to cheer on our educators and young people as they start a new school year. This time means the start of something new–or the continuation of last year’s growth. The first week of school is exciting, and it can come with a mix of emotions. We asked our NCS team to share some insights to help students and educators make the most of this school year.
“Be intentional about creating and protecting space for connection and joy - with young people, with colleagues, and with yourself.” Jessica Bunzol, Transformation Coach
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow -Mary Anne Radmacher
“This quote was always something I wrote on my teacher planner. It is inevitable that you will make mistakes as a teacher/student and you get to do better and be better tomorrow.” Amanda Baltikas, Data Strategist
“See the humanity in your children, in your colleagues, and even your superiors. Your combined efforts may be more difficult, but they will be stronger and longer-lasting. No one but ourselves can create the schools we dream of.” Kareem Sayegh, Student Success Manager
“Listen to your brilliance. When we experience it, we feel it in our gut, in our heart, and in our mind. Learning can be exhilarating and sometimes scary. Scary because sometimes there will be people who feel threatened by it as they only understand the world one way. I wish someone would have told me early on that there are many ways. Don't deny yourself of your brilliance. School is where we get to see ourselves for who we are and live our experience on our terms. Real learning is from within and it's powerful. The books and classes are the tools that help us get there, with an occasional adult who sees your light. Shine on and illuminate!” Liz Monge-Pacheco, Associate Director of Organizational Culture
"Give yourself and others grace. The new year holds different meanings for different people, and we can’t always predict how that will manifest. You're going to make mistakes and some days won't be your day. But tomorrow always brings a new opportunity." Kayla Brown-Dixon, Development and Communications Manager