Published on Dec 4, 2024
We would not be able to fulfill our mission without our staff, a group of professionals who intentionally work across difference, are experts in their field, and care deeply about young people and their postsecondary journeys.
Each month, we’ll highlight a member of our team by “passing the mic” to hear directly from them about their work and purpose. This month, we are highlighting one of our Transformation Coaches, Joyce Randall.
What do you do at the Network for College Success?
I am a Transformation Coach at the Network for College Success. I coach administrators and teacher leaders within Chicago Public Schools to build their capacity to lead for equity in their schools. I also work as a consultant within the GRAD Partnership to support other intermediary organizations to better support their schools and districts to employ holistic student success systems. In both arenas, I help leaders bridge the gap between their reality and their vision of success for all students. I nurture their habits of mind that allow them to see the big picture, employ proactive strategies of support, and create the conditions for all teams to be high-functioning rather than leaving it up to chance.
How do you help high school teams build on the work they’re doing and make improvements?
I help them slow down to reflect and analyze how and why they are getting the results they get. I ask them to investigate to get really clear on the actual problem they need to solve, so they can avoid the “solutionitis” that abounds in education. This analysis is built on high school teams engaging with stakeholders to understand their experiences, analyzing data to identify trends for further investigation, and evaluating current processes through tools like process maps and shadow observations. After taking this time to investigate, they can decide on a few high-leverage strategies that will actually improve their work. This process builds teams’ agency - they begin to see that they have the capacity to solve their own problems.
What about the culture of NCS empowers you to show up the way you do?
NCS recognizes that if we don’t intentionally nurture the culture we envision, a defacto culture might set in that actually undermines our mission and vision. NCS espoused values are supported by routines of mutual accountability and commitment. We have routinized our feedback loops, where we not only collect feedback but also make meaning of it collectively and solve problems as a group, rather than relying on a solitary leader to address all our challenges. We have a routine of reflecting on how we are living our norms in every space, highlighting both our positive embodiments of the norms and our missed opportunities. These are some of the routines that have made me feel that NCS operates with integrity and authenticity, which gives me the space and encouragement to also be my authentic self.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of your job?
When I left teaching, I personally felt burned out. I no longer believed that I could make an impact in schools. After training and coaching adult mentors for young people in the non-formal education arena for the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, I not only found a renewed sense of hope and faith in education, but realized my passion for working with adults. I love being able to help adults center themselves in their passion, recognize and nurture their agency, and provide the support necessary to prevent burnout. I support leaders to create a culture where adults feel challenged and supported to be lifelong learners themselves. Fulfilled educators create powerful, nurturing learning environments for students. I love being able to have such a profound impact on an individual and systemic level.
Can you share a memorable moment or achievement during your time with NCS?
My most memorable achievement was co-leading the Freshman Success Improvement Community (FSIC). After three very intense years of study and collaboration with peers and experts across the Continuous Improvement field, I was able to direct the strategy for using continuous improvement principles and practices across our schools to empower educators to shift their practices to increase not just their number of students On-Track for graduation, but to increase their number of students succeeding and achieving a 3.0 GPA. We were able to nurture a community of leaders who could empower teams of 7-30 adults to truly study and reflect on their practices and to put in place initiatives and classroom practices that aimed to increase student’s sense of belonging.
As a result, 100% administered student experience surveys, in addition to mandatory Cultivate surveys; 100% participants at each of our quarterly convenings strongly agreed that each session developed their capacity as a leader for equity. 78% on average completed their action period assignments with their teams, creating a sustained effort toward improvement. Finally, 10 of our 14 schools (71%) prepared a presentation to publish their learning and data on their efforts to improve their 9th grade students' experience.
Outside of work, what are some of your hobbies or interests that you enjoy pursuing?
I love live entertainment. I enjoy the energy exchange and the dynamism between the artists and the audience. I frequently attend plays, concerts, and comedy shows. I am also a swim mom, I enjoy cheering on my daughter in her swim meets and water polo matches. She’s a wonderful athlete and a beautiful person.
Want to meet other remarkable staff at NCS? Visit our staff directory page here.