Team Member Spotlight: Kate Pressler

We would not be able to fulfill our mission without our staff, a group of professionals who intentionally work across difference, are experts in their field, and care deeply about young people and their postsecondary journeys.

Each month, we’ll highlight a member of our team by “passing the mic” to hear directly from them about their work and purpose. This month, we are highlighting one of our Transformation Coaches, Kate Pressler. 

What do you do at the Network for College Success?

I serve as a Transformation Coach where I provide one-on-one coaching and professional development to school leaders in the areas of Freshmen Success, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, and Postsecondary Success. I support school leaders to build their capacity to lead effective school teams that center student experiences/voices, data, and engage in learning and reflection around identifying and improving upon practices that lead to successful student outcomes.  

How do you help high school teams build on the work they’re doing and make improvements? 

I encourage teams to engage in cycles of learning and reflection around team dynamics, and the impact on their students’ experiences and outcomes. Rather than focusing on what is “not working,” I help my teams identify and build upon what is. We embrace learning and improvement through the use of both qualitative and quantitative data to reach our goals. 

What about the culture of NCS empowers you to show up the way you do?

I will never forget when I was interviewed to work for NCS and our former Co-Executive Director said that at NCS, we don’t ask our schools to do anything that we aren't willing to engage in ourselves. This has proven to be true. Their intentionality and commitment to develop each of us to be antiracist equity leaders have given me the space, tools, and support to examine my own biases and beliefs. Knowing this, I developed an equity stance that I am continually working to live into in service of our Black and Brown young people. 

What’s the most rewarding aspect of your job?

The relationships that I have built both with fellow NCS staff, and the many people I have had the privilege to coach in our partner schools. Working alongside colleagues and school-based staff who are committed to their own personal and professional growth in service to young people is so invigorating and gives purpose to even the most difficult days. 

Can you share a memorable moment or achievement during your time with NCS?

During my first 4 years at NCS, I was strictly a Postsecondary Coach. In this role, I coached school counselors and college/career coaches. My fellow NCS Postsecondary Coaches and I had the opportunity to present the work we were doing with our community of counselors and coaches virtually several times. In Spring 2023, we finally presented together at the Carnegie Foundation Summit. In our presentation, we featured the voices of 3 of our school practitioners. Seeing our school-based counselors and coaches talk about the impact of our work led to more positive relationships and meaningful advising practices. This was such a rewarding and memorable moment. 

Outside of work, what are some of your hobbies or interests that you enjoy pursuing?

Spending time with my family and friends, particularly being an Auntie to not only my own nieces and nephew, but also to many of my friends’ kids. Traveling, anything associated with the beach and/or water, and I’m also an avid sports fan. 

Want to meet other remarkable staff at NCS? Visit our staff directory page here.
