Side by Side

Committing to Anti-Racist Learning Environments

Staff Reflect on NCS's Equity Stance and its Impact

The UChicago Network for College Success (NCS) believes in the importance of equity work in schools so that adults create safe, anti-racist learning environments for their students. However, to collaborate with educators in this work, we must lead by example. Each NCS staff member writes their own equity stance in which they outline their identity and values and ultimately the purpose of their work.

Six NCS Staff Picks to Celebrate World Book Day

The UChicago Network for College Success (NCS) values stories. Through the exchange of stories, we can gain a better understanding, learn something new, and strengthen connections. Additionally, literacy is a critical skill for brain development and learning. Young or old, you’re never the wrong age to appreciate a good book. 
In honor of yesterday’s World Book Day, we asked NCS staff to share their book recommendations. So here are some stories from NCS and why they are their top picks for a good read. 


Centering Equity in Grading: A Conversation on Equitable Grading Practices in Chicago Public Schools

The author of this blog, Rachel Castro, is the Development Associate with the UChicago Network for College Success. She supports grant writing and reporting initiatives.

As a Latinx child of immigrants, I noticed early on that school systems were built for and favored students whose parents knew how to navigate them.

My experience at NCS’s Equity-Based Leadership workshop

The author of this blog, Kayla Brown, is the Development and Communications Manager with the Network for College Success (NCS). She is responsible for supporting fundraising activities and drafting informational and marketing materials. In her spare time, she enjoys reading historical fiction novels and writing poetry.
I joined the Network for College Success during a time of much heartache and stress. The COVID-19 pandemic hit communities hard, and the world was still reeling from witnessing the murder of George Floyd. As a Black woman, my heart was heavy.

Leading Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to Center Young People

Q&A with Freshman Success Coach, Lauren Perez Pietruszka

This past August, the Network for College Success hosted its Leading PLCs Training, a workshop designed for educators and high school leaders to foster PLCs in their schools for student success.
Professional Learning Communities, or PLCs, are school teams that connect regularly, share expertise, and work collaboratively to improve their practice and the academic experiences of students, particularly their school’s least-served students.