
Comprehensive Four-Year Postsecondary Plan

A sample skill development model from Kelly High School so Counselors and other educators can target the academic, social-emotional, and postsecondary domains for students at each grade level. A snapshot of the plan for seniors is included in this Toolkit.

For the complete four-year plan, click here >

Toolkit Component

Behavior, Attendance, and Grades (BAG) Report

A school-generated tool for educators to interact with students on behavior, attendance, and grades. Ideally, schools will produce these reports every five weeks. BAG Reports use real-time data so students understand where and how they are struggling, and which educators they may need to reach out to for support. They also help students understand their current status in relation to their goals. Schools can use BAG Reports in different ways, including individual conversations with students or holding “town hall” meetings for all freshmen to review the data and set next steps.