Developing Systems to Monitor College Applications

Tool Set C

One of the pillars of the Network for College Success postsecondary approach is using data-based practice. Data should be used continually for improvement, not just for summative evaluation after the fact. 

The tools in Tool Set C describe practical techniques for using real-time operational data in order to shape strategy and guide practice. The methods and approaches described in the following presentation and video series can be used when schools have technical systems in place for tracking college application data and want to begin leveraging that data to inform everyday college counseling practice.

Use the Tool Set

The full Integrating a Developing Systems to Monitor College Applications Tool Set is available for download. The download includes the four tools in this Tool Set.

Tool Name Type

Integrating the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Approach

This Network for College Success presentation showcases effective data-driven strategies to reach students through tiered interventions in the college application process. The accompanying video describes this theory of action at a high level in order to set the context for the more detailed instructional videos later in Tool Set C.

To view the presentation, click here >


Calculating College Access Video

This video describes some practical steps to calculating college access at the student level, including an examination of a research-based framework that makes this possible.


Calculating Application Match Video

This video describes a practical approach Counselors and other educators can use with application data to identify the students who need Tier II application supports. The video further offers ways to be strategic about seeking out the students who will most benefit from extra help.


College Access Progress (CAP) Report: Video and Sample

One way to create school-wide Tier I college application practices is to ensure that students are informed about their own college access level and which specific colleges are good academic matches for them. The sample CAP Report is a one-page college access summary that Counselors can give directly to students. The video describes the technical steps - using standard Microsoft Office software programs - to create reports like this quickly for a large number of students.

