Strengthening Success Team Lead Capacity

Tool Set B

Team Leads and individuals responsible for supporting team leadership should refer to this collection of tools. Team Leads are often classroom teachers new to leadership and the responsibilities of leading a team of adults. In the Network for College Success model, ongoing support is provided by an external coach or facilitator. However, school-based support is another option, such as from an administrator or veteran teacher-leader.

Tool Set B provides practical activities to support new Team Leads to work effectively with the administration as well as diverse team members. External support organizations, similar to the Network for College Success, can also refer to the readings, activities, and presentations when planning.

Use the Tool Set

The full Strengthening Success Team Lead Capacity Tool Set is available for download. The download includes the nine tools in this Tool Set.  

Tool Name Type

Team Lead Orientation

A sample orientation presentation that establishes expectations for Team Leads and can be used as a guide for establishing a district and/or school-based program for Team Leads.

Slide Deck

Stages of Team Development

An article that explores the developmental stages of team formation using the authors’ personal experiences and research. The article can support new Team Leads to understand each stage as a required and necessary part of the team formation process. 


Developing Your Upward Management Plan

A presentation that provides a sample plan for Team Leads to better understand upward management as a key lever for leadership. The presentation describes upward management and offers strategies for supporting Team Leads to establish regular communication with principals.

Slide Deck

Thirteen Tips to Effective Upward Management

An article that provides practical strategies for upward management, tips for common personality types for upward managers, and how to avoid missteps.


Upward Management Plan Checklist

A checklist that guides Team Leads to develop an upward management plan focused on communication protocols and scheduled encounters.


Communication Styles Matrix

An overview of four common communication styles that can be found on any team and how Team Leads can make the appropriate responses for each style.


Dealing with Difficult People in Meetings

An article that explores challenging personality types and provides tips to create collaborative meetings.


Reframing Organizations

An article that summarizes Bolman and Deal’s Four Frames organizational theory (structural, political, human resources, and symbolic) by which leaders can view their work.


Intervention Interview Protocol

A protocol that focuses on intervention design and implementation through the lens of Boleman & Deal’s Four Frames. Intended to be completed as a small group activity, the protocol helps Team Leads arrive at concrete next steps for revamping an intervention plan.
